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Luka Modric: Spurs beat manchester united? Can!

Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Croatian national team player was transformed into a star in the north London club, now she promised to stop the Spurs' poor record when they travel to the Red Devils den: never win since December 1989.
Optimism was not separated from their slick game at the Giuseppe Meazza against Inter Milan, especially in the second round. Once behind 4-0 and playing with 10 men, Spurs battled back and scored three goals in reply.

He said as quoted by his club's official website: "We are ready, why not?"
"We have to show it against Inter in the second half that we could compete against the best teams in the world and United clearly one of them," said Modric.
"But why we could not go there and snatch victory? I know Spurs have never won at Old Trafford for a long time, so why do not we now Enough?" he continued.
"This is the best place to play, the best stadium and this will be a great match for us. Hopefully we can do something there," insists Modric.
Matches will be held on Saturday (30/10)

Head of ASEAN Countries Participate Concerned for Indonesia

HANOI - Disaster eruption of Mount Merapi in Central Java and the earthquake that struck the Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra, causing sympathy to Indonesia. The Heads of State / Government Association of South East Asean Nations (ASEAN), expressed sympathy for Indonesia.
The Heads of State / Government of ASEAN expressed concern and sympathy to the people of Indonesia for a series of natural disasters that have occurred. Similarly, in a written statement the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia to the Legal, Friday (29/10/2010).
Given the situation in the country, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), who had arrived in Hanoi decided to return to Indonesia. SBY return to monitor the condition and lead emergency response efforts directly.
On Thursday, October 28 President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited the Mentawai taking the time to see the situation of quake-hit areas along the tsunami. But President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is scheduled to return to Hanoi, Vietnam, the ASEAN leaders to accept the award from President of Vietnam.
In the face of various disasters in the region that recently has increased, the meeting pushed for increased cooperation in handling natural disasters through the realization of the establishment of the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre) in Jakarta.

Power Balance Bracelet

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

bracelet power balance has been transformed into a bracelet of interest by many people. from the bottom to the upper class was a lot of wear.Bracelet is able to improve, coordination, strength, flexibility and endurance. For everyday use, power balance is also shown to improve the quality of your sleep, as well as enhance immunity reduces stress, pain and stiffness as well as drunk on the go.many artists, athletes, and ordinary people who wear this bracelet . .below are some of the artists and athletes who wear the bracelet power balance
                                      1.Paul Pierce

                                           2.Cristiano Ronaldo
                                           3.Rianti  Cartwright
                                                            4.Kurnia Meiga
so,do you want to wear this bracelet

Komik Si Bandel Bambo

Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

Nih, sya punya komik pendek bimbo karya david setiabudi

Justin Bieber , Johnny Deep dan Tom Cruise dan artis lain Prihatin atas bencana di Indonesia

Gerakan Pray for Indonesia di ranah jejaring sosial Twitter menarik simpati banyak pihak. Sejumlah pesohor dari dunia hiburan turut menaruh perhatian dengan ajakan mendoakan Indonesia.

Aktor Johnny Depp, misalnya, menyatakan prihatin atas gempa bumi yang menyebabkan tsunami di Mentawai. "Semua orang, mari kita berdoa bagi orang orang di sana. berdoa untuk Indonesia," ujar pemeran Jack Sparrow dalam Pirates of the Caribbean ini.

Dalam tweet teranyarnya, Kim Kardashian juga menyuarakan hal yang sama. "Hati saya bagi semua yang terkena dampak gempa dan erupsi gunung di Indonesia," ujarnya.
Bukan hanya mereka berdua penyanyi muda Justien Bieber juga  mengajak berdoa untuk indonesia dan dibawah ini adlah screenshot tweetya di twitter
Dan ada juga tweet dari tom cruise yang mngajak untuk berdoa untuk indonesia

Agnes Monica Want to Meet Justin Bieber At American Music Award 2010

Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

I'm really excited. Found an artist who has been very, very famous. Preskon together hundreds of media from around the world. It's different like that I experienced, for example in Korea. It's doubled," said Agnes Monica happy when found at the Soekarno- Hatta, Tangerang, Banten, Sunday (17/10).
According to Agnes, at the prestigious music event that will present dozens of world-class artist. And it was a chance encounter with his idol.
"Going there are 80 artists who will run on the red carpet. There will be Justin Bieber, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, etc.. One thing that I'm proud of is there that we are required to speak English because of his American audience, allowed us speech language model , we speak Indonesian, such as' er now I again equal Beyonce. " But I have to translate it into English. But I'm proud to be at the American Music Awards and also speak Indonesian and delivered the message, "explained Agnes delight.So who the artist who would like to meet Agnes in AMA 2010?
"Justin Beiber and Lady Gaga is going to perform there," he explained.American Music Awards will be held on November 21, 2010 local time or 22 November 2010 morning when Indonesia. AMA is an annual event for the music man in the United States.

Aksi Peter Cech yang gemilang awal musim ini

The Blues masih belum kebobolan di kandang hingga saat ini. rekor itu pun terus berlanjut saat Chelsea menang 2-0 lawan Wolverhampton Wanderers pekan lalu. Yang lebih hebat lagi, The Blues berhasil mencetak 21 gol di lima laga awal Liga Primer musim ini.

Terkait penampilan apik rekan-rekannya di pekan awal Liga Primer, sang penjaga gawang, Petr Cech, mengungkapkan rekor tak kebobolan adalah resep sukses mereka musim ini.

"Jika Anda bisa tak kebobolan di kandang, maka Anda punya kesempatan besar memenangkan pertandingan," ujarnya pada

"Kami memang tak kebobolan di semua laga kandang. Namun yang paling penting, kami memenangkan semua laga tersebut."

"Anda bisa tukar rekor tak kebobolan dengan kemenangan di setiap pertandingan, namun saya gembira rekor tak kebobolan tersebut berhasil membantu kami memenagkan setiap laga."

"Rekor kandang kami membantu kami memenangkan dua gelar musim lalu. Semoga saja semua itu bakal sama di musim ini," demikian Cech.

The Blue kini bertengger di puncak kalsemen Liga Primer dengan raihan tujuh kemenangan, sekali seri dan kalah, berselisih lima poin atas Arsenal, Manchester United, dan Manchester City yang membuntutinya.

Liga Futsal

Ini gan , sy dan teman2 ngadain liga futsal kecilan-kecilan .dan sudah dimulai dari hari senin kemaren.Kemarin MRC (klub yang saya ikuti) dapat menang dengan skor 11 - 8 dari warkop fc .dan tadi MRC tak dapat menang dan hanya bermain imbang  melawan Anak Kost FC dengan skor 10-10 .Pada pertandingan tadi sangat sengit pertandingannya.Dan Pada Akhirnya tidak ada yang menang alias imbang.
Liga ini kami selenggarakan di Trubus Futsal (lapangan futsal terbesar dipaser).dan 2 harri pertama kami bermain tanpa membayar.Lho kenapa ???.Karena kami memiliki banyak kupon yang kami  dapat setelah bermain cukup lama  yang dapat digunakan untuk bermain gratis.5 kupon untuk satu jam ,kupon yang terpakai sudah 10 kupon dan sisa 5 kupon .dan 5 kupon itu akan dipakai padda pertandingan Anak Kost FC VS Warkop FC.Yaa ,  walaupun ini ga ada hadiahnya tapi kami merasa senang dan happy2 aja.
Ini diia klasemen sementara Liga Futsal Kelas 11 Smansa 1 Tanah Grogot
1.MRC     main : 2  menang :1  draw:1 point : 4 
2.Anak kost Fc main : 1 draw : 1 point : 1
3.Warkop FC main : 1 kalah : 1

focus russia world cup 2018

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

ZURICH - Russia's strategic decisions taken in the nomination of the host alias host the World Cup 2018 and 2022. They decided to no longer take part in the nomination of the 2022 World Cup and only focused on World Cup 2018.
Prior to Russia, the United States (U.S.) had already taken a decision like that. The difference is, the U.S. chose to leave the nomination of 2018 and just focus on 2022 World Cup. The competition was more stringent.
So far, the British regarded as the most promising countries to host the 2018 World Cup. They compete with the Dutch-Belgium, Portugal, Spain, and Russia. That means, only the European countries are competing for World Cup 2018.
While the nomination for the 2022 World Cup, followed by Japan, South Korea, Qatar, Australia and the U.S.. Russia withdrew from the candidacy decision host 2018 World Cup was informed Vitaly Mutko, chairman of the nomination, in Sepp Blatter, the president of FIFA.
"We inform you that the nomination committee of Russia decided to withdraw from the race to host 2022 World Cup. The decision that we take for more berkonsetrasi in nomination at the 2018 World Cup," said Mutko, as reported by the Goal.
Certainty which countries host the 2018 World Cup and 2022 will be determined through a special meeting of the executive committee of FIFA, 1-2 December. Russians believe they can compete with Britain which have been the favorite.
The decision to focus on the nomination of the 2018 World Cup is proof of their commitment to the success of the World Cup. "We hope to be the host, we can inspire for football increasingly globalized," said Mutko.
Apart from a busy campaign organized by a number of countries candidates for 2018 and 2022, vote buying and selling news really become bullies. So FIFA take stern action release Amos Adamu and Reynald Temarii.
Not only these two executive committee members are prohibited from engaging in all FIFA activities, especially related to pancalonan host World Cup 2018 and 2022, there were four other officials who are also exposed to similar cases.
They are accused of selling her voice. That's according to news released by Britain's Sunday Times newspaper. Adamu willing to sell his voice was worth 500 thousand pounds or the equivalent of USD 7.2 billion. Meanwhile, Temarii worth 1.6 million euros or equivalent to Rp 19.2 billion.
source :

PSSI Naturalisasi Christian Gonzales

Ketua Badan Tim Nasional (BTN), Iman Arif, mengungkapkan, pihaknya telah mengajukan empat berkas calon pemain naturalisasi kepada Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga (Menpora). Salah satu nama yang diajukan untuk dinaturalisasi adalah striker asal Persib Christian Gonzalez (Uruguay).

"Tiga pemain lainnya yakni Jhonny Rudolf van Beukering (Belanda), Raphael Guillermo Eduardo Maitimo (Belanda), Kim Jeffrey Kurniawan (Jerman). Berkas Gonzales, Maitimo, dan Van Beukering sudah saya masukkan berkasnya kemarin. Sementara, Kim sudah seminggu lalu sudah saya masukkan berkasnya," ungkap Iman ketika dihubungi, Kamis (14/10/2010).

Di antara nama-nama tersebut, Gonzalez yang nyaris tak terdengar dari rencana PSSI untuk menaturalisasi pemain-pemain asing. "Dia sudah lama tinggal di Indonesia. Istrinya juga orang Indonesia. Dan, saya sudah berbicara kepadanya. Sementara Maitimo dan Van Beukering memang sangat berminat membela 'Merah Putih'," lanjutnya.

Lebih lanjut, Iman mengatakan keempat pemain tersebut diproyeksikan akan tampil membela Indonesia di ajang Piala AFF pada Desember mendatang. "Mudah-mudahan proses naturalisasi bisa selesai akhir bulan ini," ujar Iman.

Dikatakan Iman, PSSI rencananya hanya akan menaturalisasi lima pemain. Menurutnya, kemungkinan besar satu kuota lagi akan dimiliki Serginho van Dijk. "Ada perbedaan pandangan politik di keluarga Tobias Jesajas Waisapiy. Saya lebih memiilih Van Dijk. Dia penyerang yang cukup berkualitas. Saat ini bersama Adelaide United, ia menjadi top skor," ucap Iman.

"Van Dijk meminta kepada saya untuk mencarikan klub di Inggris. Sebab, keluarganya tidak betah lagi berada di Australia. Saya yakin bisa mencarikan dia klub di Inggris meskipun klub dan Federasi Australia sangat sulit untuk melepasnya," pungkas Iman.(

Paser Tempo doeloe (bagian 2 )

1.Tugu Simpang Lima

2.Monumen sebelum taman putri shaleha

3.Siring (Tepian Kandilo)

4.Pasar Tempo Doeloe

Kantink Juara 1 IMB

Jakarta Finalis asal Surabaya, Klantink sukses menjadi jawara Indonesia Mencari Bakat (IMB). Klantink yang terdiri dari Wawan, Imam, Mat, Lukin dan Budi itu mengalahkan Putri Ayu yang dikenal lewat suara seriosanya.

Dalam babak final Minggu (24/10/2010) malam, memang terlihat Klantink punya begitu banyak pendukung. Saking banyaknya, sampai-sampai fans mereka meluber ke halaman gedung Trans TV.

Klantink menjadi juara setelah unggul dalam perolehan SMS. Mereka memperoleh 50,03 persen SMS, sedangkan Putri Ayu 49,97 persen.

Sebagai pemenang IMB, Klantink pun berhak mendapatkan hadiah utama yaitu sebuah mobil. Nantinya kelompok musik yang dulunya pengamen itu juga akan dikontrak Trans TV secara eksklusif.

"Para pemenang di bawah asuhan manajemen Trans TV tentunya kita akan persiapkan program-program yang terbaik buat mereka baik on air maupun off air," ujar Head of Marketing and Public Relations Trans TV A Hadiansyah Lubis saat berbincang dengan detikhot Senin (25/10/2010).

Selain Klantink, Putri Ayu juga akan disiapkan program khusus oleh Trans TV. Remaja 13 tahun itu tetap dapat menunjukkan bakatnya meskipun kalah dalam final IMB.

"Kita berharap mereka (Putri Ayu dan Klantink) menjadi inspirasi bagi anak-anak muda di Indonesia untuk menunjukkan prestasinya," tandas Hadiansyah.(

Paser Tempo Doeloe

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

1.Kantor Bupati
2.Kantor Dewan (sekarang WP)

3.Pasar Bertingkat

4.Masjid tertua dipaser


Yu-Gi-Oh Card " Scrap dragon "

Scrap Dragon. The level 8 Synchro of the infamous new Scrap Archetype. But it can also be used by all other synchro deck since it Tuner and Non tuner is generic without restriction.

It boast the Attack of 2800 which is decent stats for level 8 Synchro. At least it can run over Stardust and TRA...

It effect is overwhelming as it can destroy one card on the field by sacrificing one of yours. So, it can take care most monster even the stronger one. And destroying your own card... Well, for Scrap Deck that's a given. Even outside the scrap deck, that can be tricked by destroying the card you didn't need, using chainable card, or a card that benificial when destroyed , and lot of combo to pull. (Widespread dud, Level Eater, Dark Coffin, Big tornado of the wasteland, and many more card is great with this card.)

But there's a bonus effect for scrap player. When it destroyed by your opponent card, you can special summon 1 non synchro Scrap monster. So, it is possible to loop it with Scrap Golem that revive goblin and make it harder to take down.

Simply put, 1 slot in extra deck is indeed worthy for this card.

Chelsea Kokoh Di Puncak klasemen

Setelah mampu menundukkan wolves di stamford bridge dengan skor 2 - 0 tanpa balas .1 gol dilesahkan Florent Malouda dan satu lagi oleh Salomon KalouKini chelsea kokoh di puncak EPL.Dengan 7 kali menang , 1 seri dan  1 kalah , chelsea sudah mengumpulkan 22 poin.5 poin lebih unggul  daripada Manchester City.Selanjutnya chelsea akan menjamu klub Blackburn Rovers.
Kendati Chelsea belum tersenthu di puncak klasemen, Ancelotti menegaskan terlalu awal untuk membicarakan peluang timnya jadi juara karena mereka masih harus menjalani sejumlah ujian yang sulit.
"Ini pertandingan yang berat karena permainan kami tak begitu bagus,'' kata Ancelotti. "Kami punya banyak peluang sebelum terciptanya gol kedua. Kami tak bermain sebagus biasanya musim ini.

Liverpool Akan Incar Forlan jika torres hengkang

LIVERPOOL - Niatan ujung tombak Liverpool Fernando Torres untuk hengkang awal tahun depan akan diantisipasi oleh manajemen Liverpool.

Pelatih The Reds Roy Hodgson dikabarkan akan mengupayakan kedatangan striker Atletico Madrid Diego Forlan pada bursa Januari mendatang.

Eks pemain Manchester United tersebut memang dibidik guna menggantikan Torres yang terang-terangan ingin hengkang apabila Hodgson tidak diganti dengan pelatih baru dilain pihak Forlan juga dalam suasana yang sama dimana dia diberitakan mulai tidak betah di Madrid akibat hubungannya yang mulai memanas dengan sang pelatih Quique Sanchez Flores.

Selain Liverpool, Forlan sudah menyatakan bahwa dirinya berminat kembali berkompetisi di Liga Premier ini juga diminati oleh tetangga Liverpool, Evertoon dan Tottenham Hotspur.

Bintang OVJ yang mirip dengan pesepakbola terkenal

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

                                                parto patrio

Sony Walkman declared dead in Japan

japan-After 31 years and over 200 million units sold, Sony is officially putting the cassette model Walkman out to pasture. Introduced in 1979, the portable tape player defined the following 10-plus years of mobile music playback. It was even a leader in the era of optical media, with its Walkman line of portable CD players eventually known as Discman. But in the era of the iPod, the brand name has diminished in value. Radios and digital media players still go by the name Walkman, but the moniker has always referred to the tape-playing model in the collective mind.

Chelsea v Wolverhampton Wanderers: Preview

Striker Nicolas Anelka has told Chelsea he is ready to pledge his future to the club while the Blues wait for their France teenager Gael Kakuta to make up his mind over a new deal.
Anelka scored his 50th goal in Chelsea's colours in the 2-0 Champions League victory over Spartak Moscow in midweek and is in the best form of his career.
The former France international has scored eight goals so far this season and is so content at Stamford Bridge that he is already looking to extend his contract at the end of the season.
"It is the first time I have scored that many for any club but it is the first time I have spent more than two-and-a-half years at a club as well," said Anelka.
"It shows how happy I am at Chelsea. When I first signed here I knew had arrived at a big club and I wanted to stay as long as possible.
"I don't know what will happen in the future. After this season I have one more year on my current deal and I will see what will happen because you never know. But I am very happy here and I would be glad to sign for more years.
"I am just very satisfied to achieve two landmarks with Chelsea in goals scored and how long I have spent here, it has just been special to score goals for Chelsea."
But while one Frenchman is ready to settle, coach Carlo Ancelotti is still hoping that Kakuta will also commit himself to the club.
The 19-year-old signed for Chelsea in 2007 but then suffered a broken ankle.
He was banned for four months by FIFA in 2009 for breaching his contract with the French club in order to sign for the Blues. But this fine and Chelsea's subsequent ban on signing players for two transfer windows was eventually quashed by the Court of Arbitration for Sport.
But his future is again on the agenda with his current deal set to expire next summer.
"I don't discuss the salary of players," said Ancelotti. "Technically, it's best for Kakuta - he's young, he's trying to improve and we're the best team for him to stay with.
"He has to take a decision to sign or not. We're sure he'll sign because he's an intelligent player and an intelligent man."
Chelsea take on Wolves at Stamford Bridge on Saturday with full-back Jose Bosingwa set for his first start in a year following knee problems.
The Blues also welcome back striker Didier Drogba after a virus but there is still no return for England midfielder Frank Lampard.
Mick McCarthy does not believe his Wolves side should be fearful of facing the Premier League's big guns - as they are fixtures the club would have dreamed of when they were in the Championship.
McCarthy did brilliantly to keep the midlands side in the top flight last season but they have endured a difficult start to the new campaign.
They find themselves 18th in the table and have not won a league fixture since their victory over Stoke on the opening day.
The Molineux outfit's next four Premier League fixtures see them travel to leaders Chelsea before meeting Manchester City, Manchester United and Arsenal - a run of games which few pundits will expect them to get anything from.
But McCarthy says these are the sort of games that he and his players should relish.
"I remember the scenes when we won the Championship, we knew what we were getting into," he said.
"They are four games against big clubs, five with our game against Manchester United in the Carling Cup, they are big games.
"You can take two views. It can be an exciting time or one to fear. I take it as an exciting time. They are great clubs to play against, it's better than four Championship games."
Wolves efforts to pick up an unlikely result in the capital have not been helped by a combination of injuries, suspension and ineligibility which see them lacking numbers in midfield.
Adlene Guedioura is beginning his rehabilitation from the broken leg he suffered against Aston Villa while on-loan Michael Mancienne is ineligible to face his parent club.
Captain Karl Henry serves the second match of his three-game ban and Stephen Hunt is not quite ready as he continues his recovery from a long-term foot problem while defender Jody Craddock is sidelined with a hip injury.
That lack of troops in the middle of the park has seen 19-year-old David Davis recalled from his loan spell at Walsall and added to the squad.

Prestasi Sepakbola Junior Indonesia

Wakil Indonesia berhasil menjuarai Milan Junior Camp Day Tournament yang diselenggarakan di San Siro, Milan, setelah mengalahkan tim asal Italia, ASTI, 1-0.

Turnamen tersebut merupakan bagian dari The All Star Team Milan Junior Camp, program pembinaan pemain muda yang memberikan kesempatan kepada calon pemain berbakat di berbagai penjuru dunia untuk merasakan metode pelatihan dari salah satu klub terkemuka dunia, AC Milan.

Indonesia pernah menggelar All Star Team Challenge yang dibuka langsung oleh Franco Baresi awal Mei lalu di Jakarta. Sebagai lanjutan dari program tersebut, sebanyak 17 anak berbakat Indonesia dikirim mengikuti The All Star Team Milan Junior Camp.

Seperti yang diceritakan manajer tim Ricky Djoharli dari Milan, Indonesia berhasil menjuarai Milan Junior Camp Day Tournament yang digelar dengan sistem setengah kompetisi. Indonesia berhasil memenangi seluruh tiga laga babak penyisihan, yakni pertandingan perdana melawan wakil Eropa, Step Stone, 1-0. Kemudian, giliran delegasi Brasil dan Venezuela, UISP, yang ditekuk 3-1. Pada laga terakhir grup, Indonesia mengalahkan gabungan pemain Eropa non-Italia, USUNTP, 3-0. Di laga puncak, Indonesia mengalahkan para pemain muda Italia yang tergabung di tim ASTI, 1-0.

Berikut skuad lengkap  
Milan Junior Camp Indonesia:
1. Samuel Budi Santoso (14 tahun/Jakarta)
2. James Kho, (16/Jakarta)
3. Galih Dwi Jayanto (15/Bali)
4. Richard Hidayat (15/Jakarta)
5. Ferry Ferdiansyah (15/Bintan)
6. Armando Mamangkay (15/Jakarta)
7. Agus Setyawan (15/Bali)
8. Arvie Nabiel (15/Jakarta)
9. Eriyanto (14/Sukabumi)
10. I Putu Angga Eka Putra (14/Bali)
11. M.Aek Nabara (14/Jakarta)
12. David Nathan (14/Jakarta)
13. Alberto Putra Miggliavacca (13/Bali)
14. Albani Adiyasa Zachman (13/Jakarta)
15. Nur Nugroho (12/Jakarta)
16. Mahir Radja Satya Djamaoeddin (12/Jakarta)
17. Adjani Yahya (9/Jakarta)

Drogba Siap , tetapi Lampard belum siap

LONDON – Kabar baik untuk Chelsea. Carlo Ancelotti sudah bisa menurunkan striker Didier Drogba. Sayang belum ada lampu hijau untuk gelandang Frank Lampard.

The Blues akan menjamu Wolverhampton Wanderers di Stamford Bridge, Sabtu (23/10/2010). Di atas kertas, anak-anak asuh Ancelotti bisa dengan mudah memetik kemenangan atas tim yang kini berada di zona degradasi.

Apalagi, Don Carletto sudah bisa memasang Drogba yang sempat absen dua pertandingan akibat terserang virus. Namun, Lampard masih harus absen setelah menjalani operasi hernia, 28 Agustus silam.

“Progres Frank berjalan lancar. Dia menjalani sesi penyembuhan awal pekan ini dengan (asisten pelatih fitnes) Chris Jones. Dia sangat frustrasi dan tak sabar kembali ke lapangan. Kami telah kehilangan dan sangat berharap dia bisa segera tampil,” tandas asisten pelatih Paul Clement.

Jika lini depan sudah siap dengan kembalinya Drogba, lain halnya barisan belakang. Alex masih dalam pemulihan cedera paha. Branislav Ivanovic besar kemungkinan akan kembali menjadi andalan untuk tandem dengan John Terry di jantung pertahanan.Okezone.

Rumah rooney dikepung fansnya

Isu kepindahan penyerang Manchester United Wayne Rooney membuat fans Red Devils marah dan mengepung rumah sang pemain untuk melakukan protes.
Sekelompok fans berjumlah hampir 30 orang mendatangi mansion Rooney di Prestbury pada hari Kamis malam waktu setempat. Kehadiran fans ini memaksa sang pemilik rumah memanggil polisi untuk menghalaunya.
Para fans tersebut akhirnya meninggalkan kediaman Rooney dengan damai setelah kedatangan petugas keamanan. Kejadian ini terjadi sesaat setelah pertemuan darurat petinggi MU gagal menyelesaikan masa depan Rooney.
Fans MU marah dengan berita yang menyatakan eks pemain Everton itu kemungkinan bisa bergabung bersama Manchester City, yang merupakan rival sekota Red Devils.
Petugas kepolisian setempat menyatakan mereka menerima panggilan dari pemilik rumah di Prestbury mengenai kehadiran 20 sampai 30 orang di luar rumah mereka.
“Polisi datang ke TKP dan kelompok tersebut melakukan aksi dengan damai. Tidak ada kekerasan yang dilakukan,” ujar sang juru bicara kepolisian kepada AFP.
Rooney memang pada pekan ini telah menyatakan ingin hengkang dari klub yang sudah dibelanya selama enam tahun karena merasa MU sudah tidak lagi dapat memenuhi ambisinya. Hubungan yang merenggang dengan pelatih Sir Alex Ferguson juga mempengaruhi keinginan Rooney pindah.
Klub-klub besar seperti Real Madrid, Chelsea dan Manchester City belakangan dikait-kaitkan dengan situasi Rooney.Sumber :

Masjid agung Di Tanah Grogot

                                  Masjid agung pertama belum direnovasi
                                 Setelah direnovasi
                                  Direnovasi kembali dan ini masjid agung sekarang

My Holiday in Kumala Island ( only photos)

Setan Facebook

Farah, di usia 19 sangatlah energik dan spontanitas, termasuk urusan identitas yang sudah dianggap over-narsis oleh teman-teman dekatnya. Cici, sahabatnya dan Nauvam pacarnya sudah seringkali mengingatkan Farah agar tidak terlalu obsesi dengan status di Fesbuk.

Kadar aktifitas Farah sudah melebihi porsinya, kadang di tempat yang tak semestinya dan di waktu yang tak seharusnya. Ia terus saja mengupdate status Fesbuk. Apapun yang ada di benaknya tak pernah terlewat sekalipun. Teror pun dimulai kala Farah diundang untuk mengkonfirmasikan profil seseorang bernama Mira Anindhita, sosok asing yang di kemudian hari membawa bencana. Selamatnya, Farah tak pernah menggubris untuk mengkonfirmasi. Namur, beberapa temannya satu per satu yang juga diundang mendadak mati mengenaskan.

Farah pun mulai ketakutan. Ada apa sebenarnya? Apakah kematian orang-orang di sekitarnya ada hubungan dengan fesbuk atau pembunuh psycho yang meneror dengan cara yang aneh. Segera ia meminta bantuan Roni hacker yang diminta menelusuri profil misterius yang mungkin jadi penyebab kematian akhir-akhir ini.

Seiring teror terus berjalan Farah bertemu dengan Oma Pujo yang konon menjadi kunci dari semuanya. Namun Farah masih belum bisa tenang karena waktu tak lagi menyisakan kesempatan untuknya...

Adakah hubungan Farah dengan sosok misterius yang melakukan teror hingga  menghabisi nyawa orang tersebut? Akankah Farah tetap bertahan hidup?.Sumber :

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Hy , welcome to my blog .I am Basir annas Sidiq .and I used to be called basir . I am school in high school a Tanah Grogot , east kalimantan

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