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tourist attraction in my city

Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

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Potential tourism in the District Paser worthy enough to be developed as the support of the regional economy. In fact, both natural attractions and historical sights, noted there are 19 tourism potential to be developed.
Sightseeing, among others, Telaga Air Heat and Goa Jurong in District Long time, Waterfall Tiwei in Long Ikis, Gerigu Waterfall in the village of Long Samuntai Ikis and Stone Waterfall village Badinding West Rangan Kuaro District.
Furthermore Waterfall village Seriam Doyam Modang Kuaro, Waterfall village Toru Doyam Lempesu Paser Belengkong and Rantau Buta and Waterfall Waterfall Stone Mountain Rambutan in District Sopang, natural cave in the District of Batu Sopang pan, Liang or Goa Losan in Muara Komam, Liang Mangkulangit in Muara Komam, Sand Beach at Cape of Good Hope and the Rock Island Boat at Cape of Good Hope.
There are also a Skull Cave in the village of Batu subdistrict Kasungai Sopang and two man-made attractions, namely Agro Tourism Trubus Sari village of Padang Pangrapat Grogot District Land and Forest Park District Petangis Lati Engau Stone.
Medium Sadurangas Museum, Stone Indra Giri and Meriam Portuguese, Kings Tomb Complex and the Sultanate of Paser a historical attractions, all of which are in Sub Paser Belengkong. (Dd / kpnn)
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Gaphe mengatakan...

Wow... its cool... wish i could be there... *mupeng mode on*

Basir Annas Sidiq mengatakan...

thanks, , and that its good idea

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